
By logging in to My Reconi you can change your cell phone number or email address instantly and free of charge. A change of address of an organization can be communicated via our contact form.

Notice: eHerkenning is personal and not transferable to another person. Do you want to create a new user? Then click here.

No longer have access to the registered phone number?
If you no longer have access to the registered phone number, you can still change the login details by
using our change form. The cost of the change per contact form is 10.


If you wish to cancel an existing eHerkenning , then you can also easily arrange that at My Reconi:


No longer able to access eHerkenning?
Your eHerkenning will not be automatically renewed by us when the term expires. If you no longer have access to the eHerkenning please contact our customer service to cancel the eHerkenning.