Professional Certificates
PKIoverheid professional certificates
A PKIoverheid professional certificate provides security for electronic signing. For recognized professional groups, it is possible to apply for a PKIoverheid professional certificate. Including:
> Accountants
> Bailiffs
Registration with your professional organization
The application process is the same for all professional certifications. Only the registration with your professional organization differs. This registration is required to apply for a Professional Certificate. below you will find information about the requirements for each profession:
To apply for, renew or replace professional certificates for Accountants, you must be registered in the Register of Accountants of the Royal Dutch Professional Organization of Accountants (NBA). Proof of registration will be requested from the NBA.
To apply for, renew or replace professional certificates for Bailiffs, you need proof of your registration from the Royal Association of Bailiffs (KBvG). The proof of registration must meet the following requirements.
- The original certificate of registration is a record issued by the authorization manager of the registry (KBvG).
- The certificate must be printed on KBvG letterhead with either a certified stamp or a "wet" signature of an authorized officer.
To apply for or renew a professional certificate as a notary, you must be registered in the register of the Royal Notarial Association (KNB) with the correct description of your profession
- Bailiff
- Tax bailiff
- Municipal Tax Bailiff
- State Bailiff
- Medics (physician -e.g. general practitioners
- medical specialists such as surgeons
- psychiatrist, dentist, pharmacist,
- obstetrician, physical therapist,
- nurse, psychotherapist,
- healthcare psychologist)
- Notary Public (Candidate
- notary/attached notary)
- Lawyer
- Accounting consultant
- Chartered Accountant
- Patent Attorney
- Vet
- (Principal) Custodian
- Mandated Custodian
- Register Pilot
- Technical employee ships
- Ship Registration Inspector
- Seafaring
Fill in web form
Complete the application form to apply for a PKIoverheid Professional Certificate.
Click here for a detailed explanation and completion instructions.
Renew or replace
The timely renewal of a certificate is necessary to take advantage of the capabilities offered by a PKIoverheid Professional Certificate. The process for renewing a certificate is similar to an initial request.
A good two months before the validity period of a certificate expires, the Certificate Holder receives an e-mail to alert of the approaching expiration of the certificate. If necessary, two more reminder emails follow.
With all PKIoverheid server certificates, you will receive a premium package worth €60 from Reconi as standard. This means that we support you in retrieving, installing and importing (within the software package) your certificate.