Who is authorized to request eHerkenning for your organization?

  1. An authorized representative: On the Chamber of Commerce extract, under the Owner, Directors or Authorized Representative section, it is listed who is authorized representative and to what extent the person is authorized.
  2. A authorization manager registered with Reconi ; see authorization manager.

With what forms of authority can you apply as an independent contractor eHerkenning ?

  • Independently authorized
    If a authorized representative is listed on the CoC extract as solely/independently authorized.
  • Owner
    If a authorized representative is listed as the owner on the CoC extract.
  • authorized representative
    If a authorized representative is listed on the CoC extract with a full power of attorney authorized. In the case of limited authority, please read on.

With what forms of authority are multiple representatives required to request eHerkenning ?

jointly authorized
If a authorized representative is listed on the CoC extract as jointly authorized then the details of all jointly authorized representatives must be entered on the registration form. Also, all these jointly authorized representatives must sign the registration form. If you can provide bylaws that show that your organization may also be represented by a more limited number of authorized representatives, it is sufficient to provide the relevant authorized representatives along with the bylaws.

Limited jurisdiction
If a authorized representative is listed as restricted authorized on the CoC extract, we have some requirements for this restriction. For a eHerkenning EH2 and EH2+, you need to specify at least two authorized representative(s) who have limited authority. For a eHerkenning EH3, you need to specify the majority of all authorized representatives who are limitedly authorized. For a eHerkenning EH4, there should be no limited authority.

In doubt? Feel free to contact our helpdesk.

What if there is no authorized representative listed on the CoC extract?
In this situation, a legal entity (B.V., N.V., etc.) is listed on the CoC extract under "Directors" or "Authorized Persons". You will find the details of authorized representative in the CoC extract of the listed legal entity. You must also provide us with a copy of that above-mentioned extract from the Chamber of Commerce.

In the event that you request eHerkenning for a government organization, you can use additional documents to prove the applicant's authority. Examples include mandates, letters of appointment, etc. You must provide us with a copy of these documents.

What if the organization you are applying for eHerkenning is a municipality?
In a municipality, the mayor is always the independent authorized representative. It is just not always desirable to list the mayor as authorized representative in every application for a eHerkenning. We recommend appointing a authorization manager directly. For more information click here.

Who is authorized to request eHerkenning for your organization?

Anyone may apply eHerkenning , as long as the application is signed by a authorized representative: On the Chamber of Commerce excerpt, under the Owner, Directors or authorized representative section, it is stated who the authorized representative(s) is and to what extent the person is authorized.

A Reconi registered authorization manager is authorised to provide employees within the organisation with eHerkenning to request, upgrade or renew, as a result of which there is no Chamber of Commerce extract and signature of a authorized representative necessary.

Signed by one authorized representative

With what type of authority is signature by one representative sufficient?

> Independently authorized
If a authorized representative is listed on the CoC extract as solely/independently authorized.

> Owner
If a authorized representative is listed as the owner on the CoC extract.

> authorized representative
If a authorized representative is listed on the CoC extract with a full power of attorney authorized.

Signed by multiple authorized representatives

With what forms of authority are multiple representatives required to sign the application eHerkenning ?

>Jointly authorized

EH2/EH2+ A minimum of two drivers must sign the registration form.

EH3 The majority should sign the registration form.

If a majority has not signed. Then we ask you to provide a statute demonstrating sufficient authority.

> Limited jurisdiction

EH2/EH2+ A minimum of two drivers must sign the registration form.

EH3 The majority should sign the registration form.

EH4 There shall be no restrictions on authority.

No authorized representative on the CoC extract

> Legal entity (B.V., N.V., etc.)
A legal entity is listed on the CoC extract under "Directors" or "Proxies". You will find the details of authorized representative in the CoC extract of the listed legal entity. You must also provide us with a copy of that parent CoC extract.

> Government Organization
If you are applying for a government organization, you can use additional documents to demonstrate the applicant's authority. Examples include mandates, letters of appointment, etc. You must provide us with a copy of these documents.

Application for the municipality

In a municipality, the mayor always has independent authority.

Tip:We recommend that you immediately appoint anpermissions managerappoint an authorization manager. That way the mayor does not have to be specified as the authorized representative for each application.