Flood damage compensation scheme Limburg

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The Disaster Damage Compensation Act (Wts) applies to the high water and flooding in Limburg from July 2021. You can apply for compensation for damage caused by the high water and flooding in Limburg.

Companies, governments, religious bodies, associations and foundations report their water damage through the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO). This involves compensation for material damage that is not insurable, avoidable or recoverable.

Source: https://www.rvo.nl/subsidie-en-financieringswijzer/regeling-tegemoetkoming-schade-hoogwater-limburg-juli-202

Report your water damage with eHerkenning

Companies need at least eHerkenning level EH2+ or authorization EH2+ for their application. 

Do you not yet have eHerkenning?