
Below is a list of frequently asked questions regarding "login":

Yes, eHerkenning EH3 is suitable for filing your dividend tax return. You can apply for a regular eHerkenning EH3but also the Limited Belastingdienst EH3 login tool is also suitable for this purpose.

If you already have eHerkenning but no Dividend Tax Authorization, you can add an additional authorization EH3 add to your eHerkenning by logging on to My Reconi.

If you already have the Restricted Belastingdienst EH3 login tool, you do not need to add anything to your eHerkenning. You will have automatic access and can log in at Belastingdienst for your Dividend.

To log in with a tax unit at My Belastingdienst Business, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to mybusiness.belastingdienst.co.uk

Step 2: Choose the ''for someone else'' option.

Step 3: Click on "I have a valid authorization."

Step 4: Log in with your eHerkenning.

Step 5: Choose an organization within the fiscal unit.

Step 6: Then click on ''Other proxies.''

Step 7: Now choose ''Sales tax unit''.

Step 8: You can now enter the tax number of the fiscal unit.


It is not currently possible to log in with a Chain authorization on behalf of a fiscal unit.

The email address provided is your username. The password you created yourself during the application.

The email address provided is your username. The password you created during the application itself. After logging in with these details, you will receive a (one-time) verification code by SMS. You enter this code to log in.

The email address provided is your username. The password you created during the application itself. After logging in with these details, you will receive a (one-time) verification code by SMS. You enter this code to log in.

When logging in with eHerkenning , under the question "select your eHerkenning" choose the option "PKIoverheid Certificate (assurance level EH4). After this, select your certificate and then enter the certificate's PIN.

After you have successfully logged in, you will be notified that you are authorized. You will then be automatically directed to the secure digital environment of the relevant (government) service provider.

After you have logged in with eHerkenning we unfortunately cannot help you further. We can only support you during the login process. Once the login is successful, we recommend that you contact the relevant government service provider so that they can guide you through the further process.

Your password must meet the following requirements:

Het wachtwoord:
– Bestaat uit minimaal 8 tekens
– Bevat minimaal 1 kleine letter [a-z]
– Bevat minimaal 1 hoofdletter [A-Z]
– Bevat minimaal 1 cijfer [0-9]
– Bevat minimaal 1 bijzonder teken: [ – _ ! $ %  ‘ . = / \ : | ? @ [ ] ^ ` { } ~]

The password must not:
- Contain your username
- Be equal to any of the last 5 passwords

Forgot your password or want to change it? Click on the following link: Forgot password

There is no charge for text messages sent by us.

As a user of eHerkenning , you can log in to various service providers. The most commonly used login pages can be found through the overview of "Affiliated organizations" at eHerkenning.co.uk.

When the current user is out of service, it is advisable to revoke the permissions so that this person cannot inadvertently continue to act on behalf of the organization.

In addition, a eHerkenning cannot be taken over by another person because it is personalized. We therefore request that you use this link to request your own eHerkenning .

You may not have requested the correct permissions. You can choose to request authorizations for specific service providers/services or for all service providers/alle diensten. Please check again which authorizations you need and inquire with the relevant service provider if necessary.

Also check that you have applied for the authorizations for the organization on whose behalf you want to act. If you provided an incorrect or different Chamber of Commerce number during the application, this may also be a cause you cannot log in for the relevant service.

Would you like to request an additional authorization? Click here.

The email address provided is your username. The password you created yourself during the application.

The email address provided is your username. The password you created during the application itself. After logging in with these details, you will receive a (one-time) verification code by SMS. You enter this code to log in.

The email address provided is your username. The password you created during the application itself. After logging in with these details, you will receive a (one-time) verification code by SMS. You enter this code to log in.

When logging in with eHerkenning , under the question "select your eHerkenning" choose the option "PKIoverheid Certificate (assurance level EH4). After this, select your certificate and then enter the certificate's PIN.

After you have successfully logged in, you will be notified that you are authorized. You will then be automatically directed to the secure digital environment of the relevant (government) service provider.

Login can be done in several ways, you may not have tried it through the correct one. Please see below what applies to you.

I am not an existing user yet and would like to continue my new application
We kindly ask you to resume your application via this link.

I already have eHerkenning and want to continue my new application
We kindly ask you to resume your application via this link.


  • Please check your login information. An incorrect username or password may have been used.
  • We always advise you to fill in all login details manually and not save them on your computer (as the web page may expire or you will use old data which will give you an error message).

Should the error message continue to occur, please contact our help desk.

Have you forgotten your password? Then you can request a new one on the login page. There are several ways to log in, you may not have tried this through the correct way. See below what applies to you.

You can apply for a additional authorization application when you:

- want to add an additional organization (or branch) to an existing eHerkenning so that you can log in online for it.
- additional authorizations want to add to an existing eHerkenning that allows you to log in to multiple service providers/services. For example, if you have requested specific services in the past, you can expand the permissions to include additional services or alle diensten so that you can log into the desired assurance level anywhere.

To request additional authorizations, click here.

Your username is your email address that you entered at the time of application under 'User email address'.

Close all Internet pages and try again:

  • Delete the cookies
  • Do not visit the website from a shortcut; use the original link
  • Make sure you have the right assurance level/the right permissions
  • Check your username/email address
  • Check your password and enter it manually (do not use remembered data)
  • Try using another web browser (Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox etc.)

If you still cannot log in please contact our helpdesk.

To request a new password, please make your selection below:

If you do have an existing eHerkenning , click here.

If you do not have an existing eHerkenning , click here.

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