What do you need before starting the application?

EH3 is the most frequently chosen assurance level for access to RVO, UWV, Belastingdienst and the Land Registry

Please note the following information required during the application.

A eHerkenning is personal. The eHerkenningingsaanvraag should be started with the user' s own e-mail address and cell phone number of eHerkenning. Later in the process, the user may be asked to provide valid identification.

During the process, you will be asked to provide valid identification (if not the same as the user).

Click here to find the Chamber of Commerce number.

Note: Make sure you use the correct CoC number, especially if you are responsible for multiple organizations. The service provider (such as the Land Registry, UWV, or Belastingdienst) where you will log in will have registered your CoC number and will compare it with the CoC number you entered at eHerkenning . If these numbers do not match, you will not be able to log in.

In some cases, assurance level EH3 requires personal identification for a user who is also authorized representative or is not employed. Click here for more information. 

Learn more about the application process?
here for the step-by-step plan.